The women’s cycling team Specialized Securitor harnesses many diverse styles to perform together at the highest levels against the best. Specialized Securitor represents the spirit of professionalism, team work and community engagement and hold various community rides and VIP related events.
This year, I will be taking part in the 2 day ride from Campbell Town through to Hobart and hope to raise as many funds as possible for SOCE.
SOCE is a not for profit, charitable organisation that assists children with neurological disorders to achieve their potential. Through access to ‘conductive education’, children with conditions such as cerebral palsy, acquired brain injuries, spina bifida and global development delay are able to strengthen the neurological pathways in the brain. Recognising the broader challenge many families of children with disabilities face, the organisation also engages in advocacy and outreach opportunities to build awareness and support.
Please support SOCE and sponsor my ride by making a donation. Donations can be made the following ways:
1. By cash – simply come in to see me at 28 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood where I can accept your cash donation on behalf of SOCE.
2. By direct deposit – all direct deposits can be paid into the following account. Please email reception@altitudefinancial.com.au your receipt to pass on to SOCE:
Name: Supporters of Conductive Education
BSB: 035-039
Account Number: 345049
3. By cheque – please make cheques payable to ‘Supporters of Conductive Education’ and mail to me at PO Box 726, Springwood.
For more information on SOCE go to www.supportersofconductiveeducation.com.au