Reach Your Goals with the Help of These 3 Key Ingredients!
When you look back on 2015, do you think to yourself ‘where did the time go?’, ‘I feel like I didn’t achieve anything’, ‘It’s like I’m exactly w
By Adam Hurwood | |When you look back on 2015, do you think to yourself ‘where did the time go?’, ‘I feel like I didn’t achieve anything’, ‘It’s like I’m exactly w
By Adam Hurwood | |Grandparents really are the jewels in the crown of our community. Having raised their own children, many are now helping raise their grandchildren. This often e
By Adam Hurwood | |Maybe you've noticed that your loved one's unopened mail is piling up in the letterbox or at the front door. Or your loved one, once meticulous about her appear
By Adam Hurwood | |When buying a house, it is standard to consult the help of a local real estate agent and a home loan specialist because you want expert help with one of the big
By Adam Hurwood | |Financial Planning Maintaining your lifestyle Are you employed or self-employed? Would you have a back-up source of income if you were unable to work? Ho
By Adam Hurwood | |We all like to think we’ll leave a lasting legacy – but good planning is key. If you’re not sure what would happen to your assets if you passed away, it m
By Adam Hurwood | |Dealing with an inheritance is something that many Australians will do in their lifetime. So how do you best manage a lump sum that has come your way and use it
By Adam Hurwood | |Financial Planning The 2014-15 Federal Budget contained many changes that affect recipients of the Aged Pension. The Assets Test thresholds and taper rate
By Adam Hurwood | |You can make voluntary repayments towards your HELP debt at any time, and this payment immediately reduces the amount. Legislation to implement the Budget chan
By Adam Hurwood | |Have you ever considered how your family would manage if you were unable to work due to an illness or injury? Many people assume it will never happen to them,
By Adam Hurwood | |On the 5th of February 2015, the Reserve Bank of Australia announced a cut official interest rates by 25 basis points (0.25%) for the first time in 18 months,
By Adam Hurwood | |It’s always a smart strategy to protect the lifestyle of your family with life insurance, but it’s even smarter if you can get the structure right for your
By Adam Hurwood | |Following on from our initial email regarding the Medibank Private IPO on October 10, Medibank has since released the prospectus with details of the offer. If y
By Adam Hurwood | |It has been announced that Medibank is to be privatised from its current government ownership, and will be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange via a sale to
By Adam Hurwood | |The recently announced Off-Market Buy-Back may be an opportunity to cash in and profit. At its FY14 result, Telstra Corporation Limited (TLS) announced an off-
By Adam Hurwood | |From 1 January 2015, Centrelink’s deeming rules for assessment under the income test will be extended to new account-based pensions (ABPs). This will mean all
By Adam Hurwood | |Every year around this time, a window of opportunity opens to help maximise your end of financial year tax strategies. And if you leave it too late, the chance
By Adam Hurwood | |The ATO has recently released the latest Superannuation Thresholds which will apply for the 2014/15 financial year, starting from 1 July 2014. Concessional (Tax
By Adam Hurwood | |The Aged Care Reforms - What You Need To Know The Living Longer Living Better aged care reforms, which were announced in April 2012 and begin on 1 July 2014,
By Adam Hurwood | |The Government’s introduction of the MySuper reforms aim to build a more efficient superannuation system to maximise the retirement savings of all Australians
By Adam Hurwood | |