The new and improved Altitude Client Portal is coming up to its first anniversary (time sure flies!) and the number of clients on the system is steadily increasing. Thanks to feedback from all of you, along with our own recommendations to the developers, Business Fitness, the Portal has seen plenty of new features and improvements added to better access all your documents, without having to wait for the postman to roll up to your letterbox.
As we increase the number of documents we make available through the portal, we would like to highlight some of these new features that make navigation much easier, as well as some efficiencies added to the signing process.
– Invitation Improvements – The first step to getting on the Portal is accepting the invitation we send you via email. Previously there would only be a 48-hour window to accept this invitation, otherwise you would need to get in touch with us to request a new one. We heard your frustrations with this, and the invitation process is now much smoother. Now if you attempt to reset your password using the email address we have invited you with, it will request you accept the invitation, and resend it to you. Along with this, if you didn’t get a chance to accept the invitation and we upload a document for you, the system will include an invitation link with the document upload notification, so you can get logged in and viewing the document. Invitations are a once off thing for account setup, but this makes it much easier on you to get activated.
– Navigation Improvements – Navigation was admittedly quite convoluted when we first introduced the Portal, but many enhancements have been made to allow for much easier accessing of documents. Most noticeably, it is now possible to view all documents for all entities you have access to, compared to before when each entity could only be viewed separately. This combined view does not allow for uploading, but it can be used to preview, download, or sign any documents you have access to. The speed and reliability of the document previewer has also been greatly increased, allowing for much faster viewing of documents.
– Signing Improvements – Document signing through the Portal has always been the biggest time saver when compared to post, and it has received plenty of attention to smooth out the process. When we request a signature from you, a notification email is sent with a link to the document. This link now automatically previews the document, allowing for it to be signed straight away. The document also appears in the Signing Events list on the home page of your Portal, and from here persons still needing to sign can be viewed, as well as the ability to now click the document in this list and be navigated to it. Finally, signing reminders will be sent out on a weekly basis, in the event of forgetting to sign an uploaded document. It’s important to remember the quicker we get a signature, the quicker we can start working on that job!
These are just a select few of the changes and fixes made to the Portal over the past year. Full release notes are available for you, and can be found on the Dashboard after logging in. Should you want to start receiving your documents via the Portal, please discuss this with your Altitude Adviser.