Our core belief is that investing in high-quality, real assets at a reasonable price will produce the best returns for our clients in the long-term. This can be achieved by actively and objectively managing portfolios based on economic and market cycles and selecting investments for their ability to grow and produce income. Your portfolio needs to be tailored to your goals, timeframes and ability to handle losses and then reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it still meets your needs.
Whilst your financial strategies are key to your financial success, your goals cannot be attained without achieving consistent returns. To accomplish this, we have a number of key principles that we follow;
- Portfolios should be designed to achieve client’s goals with the fewest bumps along the road as possible.
- Portfolios designed to achieve consistent returns over the long-term are better than get-rich-quick schemes or chasing the next big thing.
- Real wealth is best created through steady compounding returns. Time flies when you are invested. Let the years do the hard work for you.
- Consistently adding to your investments despite market noise means that you buy well during the dips and steadily build wealth over time.
- Portfolio’s should always be well diversified, making sure your life savings do not depend on one or a handful of assets for success.
- Changes to portfolios are based on research and sound reasoning, rather than decisions based on panic or hunches.
- Active management of your portfolio doesn’t necessarily mean recommending large dramatic portfolio changes in an attempt to time the market as this puts your financial future at risk.
- Make sure to look forwards not backwards when investing. Our focus is on picking next year’s winners not last years.
- Only consider investments that produce real income. We will therefore not recommend speculative assets, commodities or hedge funds.
- Returns after costs is of greater importance than focusing on minimising investment costs. Saving a dollar is great but not when it loses you two.
- As your advisers we will provide recommendations for you to consider, understand and agree upon before implementation. You need to understand and be comfortable with what you invest in otherwise it won’t pass the “sleep at night” test.
- Time in the market is more important than timing the market. A key part of our role is to make sure that you stay invested throughout market cycles to ensure that you are there to make the most of the good times.
By sticking to our investment philosophy and remaining true to risk profiles, our clients portfolios stand the greatest chance of achieving their goals. In times of uncertainty having a strong investment philosophy allows you to make the right decisions for the long term, make the most of any opportunities and ensure that you make hay while the sun shines. Please talk to one of our advisers, if you haven’t already, to review your financial strategy and investments
Altitude Financial Planning is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Altitude Financial Advisers Pty Ltd
ABN 95 617 419 959
AFSL 496178
The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances, financial needs or objectives. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of it and the relevant product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. In particular, you should seek the appropriate financial advice and read the relevant Product Disclosure Document.