Our review service described below is conducted on a regular basis to provide our clients with a consistent and high quality process for selecting and maintaining their investment portfolio.
Stage 1: Economic and Financial Market Research
In addition to our regular investment market information, at each review period we gather detailed economic reports from a variety of sources to provide us with a comprehensive picture of the current economic environment and its long and short term outlook. Our information is obtained from a combination of sources including:
- A range of external research providers;
- Personalised teleconferences and interviews from portfolio investment analysts/managers from a number of international and Australian fund managers and equity research specialists; and
- Securitor’s (our financial licensee) own investment research team.
Stage 2: Review Asset Allocation
Our economic outlook is then segmented on a sector-by-sector basis. These sectors are cash, fixed interest – Australian and international, Australian equities, international equities, property and alternatives (such as infrastructure and/or commodities).
Each sector is assessed on its potential risks and expected return going forward.
In reviewing our portfolios asset allocation and investment parameters, we also utilise the recommendations of our research house BT Investment Management to help us determine the appropriate asset allocation for each investor risk profile (e.g. balanced, high growth) and each individual sector.
During this process we may identify the need to add or remove an investment in a particular asset sector in order to achieve the appropriative investment mix for the portfolio.
Stage 3: Review and Blend Investments
Each existing investment is then reviewed on both its long-term and short-term performance, its current investment structure and where it is positioned/expected to generate returns in the future. We also speak to representatives from each investment/product, and independent analysts and specialists, to ensure that the investment style and process continues to work appropriately and produces returns over its recommended investment timeframe. This process includes reviewing whether there have been any material changes to the team/leadership/executive board; we also ensure that the investment holdings remain in-line with our investment philosophy.
Based on all of the above we will then make any changes in order to hold the best investments in each investment class.
Upon determining the best individual investment holdings, the next step is to then determine the optimum blend of the investments within each portfolio. This involves a combination of economic scenario modelling and reviewing and blending the investment style of each holding. Our overall goal throughout this whole process is to provide clients with the best selection of investments within a portfolio providing the most suitable level of risk, return and diversification.
How we can help
As you can see from the above, we have a very structured and thorough process to ensure that our clients’ money is managed carefully, with regard to their risk profile and return requirements. If you would like to speak to us further about this service or have friends or family that could benefit from a review of their investments, please feel free contact us.
Altitude Financial Planning is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Altitude Financial Advisers Pty Ltd
ABN 95 617 419 959
AFSL 496178
The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances, financial needs or objectives. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of it and the relevant product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. In particular, you should seek the appropriate financial advice and read the relevant Product Disclosure Document.