The Altitude Innovations blog has been running since early 2019 and offers a wide range of information on the topic of business-related technology.
Altitude Innovations, a business within The Altitude Group, was created to help our clients at Altitude Advisers tap into the benefits of automation and systemisation. Run by James Mills, our Altitude Innovations business manager, Altitude Innovations is a separate business which aims to bring clients fantastic outcomes related to technological business projects.
Stay up to date with this space to receive important updates such as this article recently posted on the Innovations blog.
The most recent article is:
Will multiplying your monitors multiply your productivity?
Productivity, online training, and video collaboration might mean big gains for you and your team if multiple monitors are incorporated into their workspaces. However, it’s a tossup between these clear advantages and the additional costs, resources required, and potential for distractions that come with more screens.
Read the article on our Innovations blog for more.
To keep you up to date, Altitude Advisers will also regularly release information on recent Innovations Blog updates here.
Continue to check this space for our upcoming Innovations news!